H+D | South Mesa Trail, Colorado Engagement Photography

I loved this engagement session at South Mesa Trail in Boulder, Colorado with Hannah and Darren. Their connection is FIRE, to say the least. The way they hold each other and mirror each other’s energy, romance, and playfulness made it so easy to capture effortless photos of their relationship. They are SO natural together! This was a perfect summer engagement session, filled with running around in fields and soaking up all of the beauty that nature has to offer.

I love the South Mesa area because it is an easy walk to reach a variety of backdrops, including flat irons and mountains as well as lots of interesting plants and flowers. Everywhere you look is stunning! No intense hiking required. Also, it is usually pretty private and I only encounter a few other hikers every time I visit. I prioritize privacy for engagement session locations because I want to create an environment where couples are comfortable being themselves and expressing their emotions in a safe space without an audience. Boulder, Colorado has so many hidden gems like this and when we work together, I am your personal tour guide. 

I absolutely love being able to witness different types of relationships and how those connections emerge through photos. Looking through these, I can feel exactly how Hannah and Darren feel for each other. Your photos should serve as a visual representation of your unique dynamic with your partner, and it’s always my goal to capture ALL of those feelings. 

Also, please scroll to the end to see my favorite hair flip accident (or success?) ever.